ONDA supports 2 Hackathons Organisers
The Copernicus Hackathon is a brand-new initiative, financed by the European Commission, which will bring together developers, entrepreneurs and topic-specific experts to develop, in a short period of time (minimum 24 hours, maximum 1 week), new applications based on Copernicus data and services.
ONDA will be supporting 2 of the Hackathons Organisers selected by Copernicus for the first application phase, with the provision of Virtual Servers and technical support:
- IEST - European Institute for Technological Development (Italy): 5-7 October
- Pronatur (Slovakia): 6-7 October
Results of our Early Adopter Programme
Visit the Marketplace on our Web Portal to learn about and access the applications already developed on the ONDA platform by our early adopters:
- interactive visualization of global time series of data acquired by Sentinel-3 (Earth Starts Beating)
- distributed Web Platform allowing experts and end-users to perform EO data and images treatment using big data technologies (WASDI)
- Earth surface deformation maps (CNR-IREA)
- crop identification processing chain exploiting time series of Sentinel-2 data (NOA)
- visualization of time series of Sentinel-1 for change detection of natural hazards (Harris)
➢ The EAP will be soon replaced by a Free Access Trial Programme: watch this space!
Esri-ONDA partnership
We are delighted to announce that Serco Italia has selected Esri to enlarge the ONDA DIAS services offering to the users.
Esri is a technology provider for massive Earth Observation data management and on-demand processing, helping ONDA to unlock the potential of geospatial imagery. More details to follow soon.
Events attendance
ONDA will be present at various conferences in October and November. Amongst these, you can find us at:
- 11 October – Copernicus Accelerator Webinar session
- 18 October – OVH Summit 2018
- 18-19 October – DevFest Nantes 2018
- 19 October – DIAS Info Day
- 1 November – JSS-EARSC joint workshop
- 12-16 November – Φ-week on EO Open Science and FutureEO
- 14-16 November – Kortdage 2018: National GIS Conference
The ONDA Dashboard
You can visit the ONDA Public Dashboard to find real-time information on the performance of the ONDA service, from the volume of products (now > 10 Petabytes) to the number of products, to the user downloads and more.
How to search our Catalogue
- by entering a text query in the full-text search bar
- via the OData API
ONDA for Education
Details on our forthcoming educational programme, which includes ad-hoc webinars & lectures and Cloud Resources packages, will be published in October.