Several images have been processed on the ONDA platform with the aim to compare the presence of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the atmosphere across a number of cities around the world before and during the Coronavirus lockdown.
In the context of the EU Space response to Coronavirus, ONDA and its Partners are supporting organizations interested in developing analyses that can help public authorities and citizens to tackle the COVID-19 emergency we are all facing.
Our contribution includes the provision of a Free Trial Access with the addition, on request, of very high resolution satellite images received directly into the ONDA cloud environment.
The 7SHIELD project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, addresses the Safety and Security Standards of Space Systems, ground Segments and Satellite data assets. The ONDA platform is one of the installations of ground segments of space systems in which the project will be evaluated and demonstrated, and will contribute to co-designing the technological solution.
The ONDA Webinar on how to access the ONDA platform and how to process Copernicus Sentinel-5P data for monitoring pollution using our infrastructure – which took place on 6 May 2020 – is now available on the ONDA YouTube channel.
As from Thursday 15 June 2020, access to products through the Advanced API (ENS – Elastic Node Server) will only be available in the “Legacy mode”, that is accessing data in their original product format – the possibility to access to products in the custom ENS format will therefore be disabled.
On 23 June 2020, Keystone version 2.0 API will be dismissed, leaving only version 3.0 enabled. For those users currently using version 2.0, we suggest updating your tools or applications to the new version at your earliest convenience.