Access to Advanced API exclusively in Legacy mode

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Access to Advanced API exclusively in Legacy mode

We wish to inform our users that as from Thursday 15 June 2020, access to products through the Advanced API (ENS – Elastic Node Server) will only be available in the “Legacy mode”, that is accessing data in their original product format – the possibility to access to products in the custom ENS format will therefore be disabled.

ENS extends traditional File or Object Storages by exposing not only standard Directories and Files but breaking them down further in a logical tree of Nodes up to the tiniest piece of information, allowing efficient access to portions of products.

What changes for users?

Current Advanced API mounting points will still be available after the update, but all of them will expose products in their original format. Users currently accessing products in the custom ENS format should switch to the Legacy ENS mounting point at their earliest convenience, and before 8 June 2020.

For further details, please refer to the Advanced API User Guide.

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