Use case: ARESYS new time-domain SAR processor developed on ONDA

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Use case: ARESYS new time-domain SAR processor developed on ONDA

ARESYS, Advanced Remote Sensing Systems, is a Politecnico di Milano spin-off company, operating since 2003 in the field of digital signal processing with particular focus on remote sensing and geophysics.

ARESYS has a long experience in the field of generic SAR end-to-end simulations with a large variety of applications, such as space-borne imaging, altimetry, automotive, air-borne and ground-borne imaging.

ARESYS now provides a general purpose time-domain SAR processor.
Time-domain algorithms are notoriously computationally heavy and ARESYS is exploiting the ONDA DIAS services to run performance benchmarks on GPU powered hardware.
A Tesla v100 based platform allows the processing of a Sentinel-1 Stripmap product in a few minutes: comparable to the CPU-based frequency-domain approach and more than 20 times faster than the time-domain algorithm on the CPU.
Other tests run on Topsar and Spotlight data show speed-ups ranging from 10x to 40x, depending upon data resolution.

Sentinel-1 Topsar over Lombardy, Italy

These promising results show that it is possible to have accurate and generic time-domain processing in the time it takes to brew a cup of coffee.

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