ONDA to provide Cloud infrastructure for ESOC FOS systems

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ONDA to provide Cloud infrastructure for ESOC FOS systems

We are pleased to announce that, following an open tender issued by ESOC for the “Virtualisation of FOS systems under a ‘DIAS-like’ service” and awarded to Serco Germany, ONDA will be employed as Cloud infrastructure.

The two-year contract aims to prove the feasibility of hosting the FOS (Copernicus Flight Operations Segment) mission data systems and satellite telemetry archives in an external Cloud environment.

The winning proposal is based on a consortium made up by Serco Germany as prime contractor, with Serco Italia and Alia Space Systems as subcontractors. Serco Germany has been providing FOS operations and ESOC Network operations & maintenance, hence it brings a proven track record in understanding the operational context.

The virtualisation services based on ONDA, the DIAS led by Serco Italia, will ensure the provision of proven reliable and robust Cloud solutions as well as of flexible and scalable resources, powered by our OVHCloud provider.

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